Q: What is the age limit to participate in this competition?

National secondary school (SPM): age 14 – 17 (Form 2 – Form 5)
National secondary school (STPM): age 18 (Form 6)
Independent high school (UEC): age 14 – 18 (Junior Year 2 – Senior Year 3)
International school (IGCSE): age 14 – 17 (Grade 8 – Grade 11)

Q: Can I join if I have graduated from secondary school?

No. This competition is only open to current students in secondary school or high school.

Q: Can I join if I sat for February 2024 SPM?

No. Students who have sat for the exam are not eligible to join.

Q: Can I join if I’m sitting for May/June 2024 GCSE/IGCSE exam?

No. Students who are taking their GCSE/IGCSE on May/June 2024 are not eligible to join.

Q: Is it possible for a foreign secondary school student to participate in this competition?

Yes, if you are staying in Malaysia.

Q: How do I register for the competition?

Please click on the ‘Register’ page located on the top of the webpage or click here to register.

Q: How will I know the registration deadline?

Please click on the ‘How to Join’ page located on the top of the webpage.

Q: Is the registration only done online?

Yes, please refer to the above question.

Q: Do I have to pay for registration?

No, this is a non-profit event, NO REGISTRATION FEE is needed.

Q: Do I register as an ‘Individual Participant’ or ‘Registration by School’?

For participants who are interested, we would advise you to talk to your school first about sending a team to register. In the case that your school is not sending a team to register, you may register as an ‘Individual Participant’.

Q: What is the difference between ‘Individual Participant’ or ‘Registration by School’?

‘Registration by School’ are for teachers or school representatives who are interested in registering for a group of students.

Q: How do I know if my registration has been received by The One Academy?

Our representatives will send you a confirmation via WhatsApp within 5 to 7 working days, after you have registered as an ‘Individual Participant’. Alternatively, you can check with your teacher or school representative after a few days if you have done ‘Registration by School’.

Q: I didn’t receive a WhatsApp message from The One Academy after registering as an ‘Individual Participant’?

Please give a duration of 5 to 7 working days for our representatives to contact you, and please ensure that your phone number is correct when you register yourself. Alternatively, you can contact 012-551 0368 / 012-551 3831 for further assistance.

Q: Can I register anytime?

There are registration deadlines, please register before the deadline for your specific location. Click here to check the deadlines.

Q: If I have not completed any registration, can I just appear and join in on the day of event?

No, participants who are interested in joining MT10 2024 should register before the deadline as stated above. There will be NO acceptance of walk-ins with no prior registration.

Q: What is the drawing theme?

Journey of a Teenager/ Pengembaraan Seorang Remaja/ 少年之旅途

If someone were to ask you what it's like to be a teenager, what would you tell them? Express through art the journey of self-discovery. Choose one or highlight any teen-centric topics, such as the expression of identity, a teen's wishes, inner world, aspirations, enthusiasm, friendships, as well as the responsibilities, challenges, and limitations faced by today's teens.

Your artwork content can be based on personal experience or purely fictional. You are free to express your idea in a realistic or fantasy setting. Your artwork should be original. Avoid replicating any existing characters in films, cartoons, or games.

Pemahaman atau persepsi mengenai 'zaman remaja' adalah berbeza bagi setiap orang. Apakah yang ingin anda nyatakan sebagai lambang keremajaan? Ekspresikan apakah yang anda faham tentang perjalanan seorang remaja menemukan jati diri! Anda adalah bebas untuk menerokai mana-mana topik yang berkaitan. Antaranya adalah identiti diri, keinginan, dunia dalaman, aspirasi, daya hidup, persahabatan, tanggungjawab, cabaran, dan rintangan yang dialami serta peranan golongan remaja hari ini.

Kandungan karya seni anda boleh berdasarkan pengalaman peribadi atau rekaan semata-mata. Peserta adalah bebas untuk mempersembahkan idea dalam latar realiti atau fantasi dan tidak wajib untuk melukis watak manusia dalam karya anda. Sekiranya anda ingin melukiskan sebarang watak, kami menggalakkan reka bentuk watak tersebut adalah ciptaan asli anda sendiri.

‘青春’ 的样子因人而异,各有不同的理解!您想表达的青春意味着什么?透过作画表达这段仅属于青春时代自我发现的路途!你可以自由选择或探索任何与之相关的题材。例如,少年的身份、心愿、内心世界、青涩的友谊、活力元气、现代青少年的责任担当、面对的限制以及挑战等等。


Q: How to answer to the theme?

  • Read the big title and study the descriptions carefully.
  • Identify what is the major point in this the theme (highlighted in yellow)
  • Feel free to express the beautiful things to discover in celebrating difference or uniqueness!

Q: Do I have to include characters from Disney•Pixar’s “Inside Out 2”?

The drawing theme is inspired from the film’s moral of the story. However, it is NOT COMPULSORY to include the characters from the animated film.

Q: Can I apply fantasy elements in my artwork?

Yes, we accept both reality and fantasy scenarios.

Q: Can I complete my artwork in digital format?

No, digital paintings or artworks are NOT permitted in the competition, only hand drawn artwork is accepted.

Q: Is there any specific drawing medium to use?

Feel free to complete your artwork in the art direction of your choice, whether it is a coloured piece or a black and white artwork. EXCEPT oil paints and spray paints, ALL other traditional mediums are allowed such as watercolour, colour pencil, gouache, oil pastel, acrylic paints, pencil sketch, inking, etc. Cut and paste printed images or craft materials are NOT ALLOWED.

Q: What is the size of the artwork to complete?

A3 size (29.7cm x 42.0cm).

Q: What should I bring along on the competition day?

  • Original N.R.I.C /Passport (Bring the personal ID you use for pre-registration)
  • Drawing & Painting Tools: EXCEPT oil paints and spray paints. All other traditional drawing tools and painting mediums such as watercolour, colour pencil, gouache, oil pastel, acrylic paints, pencil sketch, inking, etc. Cut and paste printed images, craft materials and digital art are NOT ALLOWED.
  • 200gsm A3 drawing block(29.7cm × 42.0cm) will be provided by the organiser.
  • Note: If you prefer to use your own paper, kindly make sure paper size is following the standard of A3 (29.7cm x 42.0cm) Only empty white or light beige coloured paper is allowed. You are responsible for notifying our crew to place an official stamp on your paper BEFORE the competition begins.
  • Loose art references: While we allow participants to bring in their art references during the competition. However, plagiarism or copying or tracing of other’s artwork is strictly prohibited. Plagiarism is presenting a work or idea from another source as your own. Artwork with more than 50% similarity to any published artworks in terms of its composition, is considered as art plagiarism and will be disqualified.
  • Offer Letter to Form 6 Studies (if applicable): For registered STPM students, please bring along your offer letter /surat tawaran kemasukan for verification when needed.

Q: Can I bring and refer to my art references during the competition?

We allow you to bring in reference materials for inspiration, but the final artwork must be a unique creation of references without substantial original contribution will be considered plagiarism. Plagiarism or copying or tracing of other’s artwork is strictly prohibited.

Q: How do you determine whether an artwork is original?

  • All submissions must be original works created solely by the participant.
  • Any artwork found to be a direct copy or close imitation of existing works, including AI-generated art, will be disqualified.
  • Direct replication or minimal alteration of references without substantial original contribution will be considered plagiarism.
  • AI-generated art may be used as a reference only.
  • Use of digital references (such as photos, online images, or other digital content) is permitted.
  • Tracing or making minor changes to digital references without significant artistic input will be considered plagiarism.
  • All entries will be reviewed for adherence to these rules. Artworks violating these rules will be disqualified.

Q: Is it possible to incorporate sensitive topic?

The organiser reserves the rights to disqualify any artwork which is deemed promoting the following, without providing any further clarifications: Violence, pornography, racial discrimination, gender discrimination, religious conflict, political issue, or any immoral thinking.

Q: How much time do I have to complete my artwork during the drawing competition?

All participants are given 3 hours to complete an A3 size artwork during the competition day.

Q: How many artworks do I need to draw during the drawing competition?

Each participant is required to commit to only ONE (1) artwork.

Q: Can I take back my submitted artwork?

ALL artworks submitted are NOT returnable. Should you disagree with this clause, kindly refrain from joining this competition.

Q: How many rounds of competition are there in this event?

There will be only ONE round of competition. Each participant is required to draw only ONCE.

Q: Will my artwork be duplicated or sold?

No, the organizer has no rights to duplicate or sell the artworks done by the participants for profit-making purposes.

Q: What is the artwork judging criteria?

  • Creativity and Originality: The uniqueness of the concept and the originality of the artwork.
  • Theme Focus: How well the artwork aligns with the competition’s theme.
  • Professional Quality: The neatness and finishing of the artwork.
  • Aesthetic Quality: The use of chosen medium, composition, color, and drawing skills.
  • Overall Impression: The overall impact and appeal of the artwork.

Q: What could be the reason(s) for a participant to be disqualified during the competition?

  • Artwork created by another individual rather than the registered participant.
  • Artwork completed by more than one person.
  • Suspicion of deception /proving false or misleading information for pre-registration.
  • Fail to provide valid proofs on participant’s identity.

Q: What could be the reason(s) for an artwork to lose its chance?

  • Irrelevant to the drawing theme.
  • Artwork submission with a lack of basic participant’s details.
  • Inappropriate artworks that violate the competition rules and/or does not comply to the artwork specifications.
  • Artwork without official stamp from organiser e) Incomplete artwork.
  • Artwork submitted is not created during the 3 hours competition.

Q: When will the winners be announced?

The winners will be announced on the 28 July 2024, during the final ceremony and competition day.

Q: Do I need to be present at the prize ceremony to receive my award if I have been shortlisted?

Yes, shortlisted participants are expected to be present at the prize ceremony to receive their awards. If you are unable to attend, please notify the organizers in advance to make alternative arrangements.

Q: Can I exchange the scholarship prize for money if I have no interest in studying at your institution?

No, the scholarship is solely redeemable at The One Academy Bandar Sunway or The One Academy Penang.

Q: Where will the winner announcement and prize ceremony take place? And what is the address?

The venue for the prize ceremony on 28 July 2024 can be reached by clicking this link here. The address of the prize ceremony is The One Academy, Block B4, Leisure Commerce Square, No. 9, Jalan PJS 8/9, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

If you require further assistance, kindly contact our MT10 Committee at or leave a message via Facebook Messenger at